
Due to the fact that within the past few years I have lost several friends who have passed on due to cancer, diabetes, car accidents, heart attacks and such … it has caused me to reflect upon my own life and what I want to accomplish before it’s my turn to go. Some of these friends I have known for most of my life, and they are all very close to my own age. Despite the fact that none of them smoked or drank, or abused their bodies with drugs or other harmful substances, they still died rather young.

One of these friends I had just recently reconnected with on Facebook. He was a big part of my life when I was in my early twenties. He encouraged me, inspired me, and helped me in so many ways to become a better person, and was a major influence in my life. I was able to talk with him for a couple of hours on the phone, rehashing all of those wonderful times we had back then, and updating each other on our families and life these days. About a week before his untimely and totally unexpected death, he had asked me to call him to help with something on his website. I had been busy getting ready to go visit my sister in another state, and had intended to call him when I got back. I never got the chance, and oh, how sorry I am that I didn’t! I had missed the opportunity to talk with him one last time … something I will always regret!

None of us knows whether we’ll be here tomorrow or not, and to be honest, how many of us really put that much thought into it? If you were to die tomorrow, what would be the one thing that you would leave behind for your family, friends, and loved ones? Did you tell them you love them and how much they mean to you? What would be your last words of advice? Have you ever thought about that? What if tomorrow was your last day? What would you do? What would you say?

I have put a lot of thought into this lately and have decided that experiences and lessons learned, whether they’ve been failures or successes, far outweigh any material thing that I could leave behind. And out of all of these life experiences, the ones that I consider to be of the most importance, is my spiritual journey and the things that I have discovered, learned, tested, and experienced while on that life-long path. Material things are worthless. The only things we take with us when we depart this life are the experiences we had, the memories of how we lived and used the time that was allotted to us.

The path that one must take on their journey to truth can be a rough and rocky one. There are often forks in the road and many other paths that branch out and diverge in all directions. There are obstacles that are placed in our way to hinder us, confuse us, and lead us off of the straight and narrow path. Sometimes we can stray pretty far, but as long as we make U-turns we can head back towards that straight and narrow path and continue our journey to our ultimate goal and destination (at least for those who follow Jesus Christ) … to be reunited with our Father in Heaven. Such is the power of the atonement and redemption.

But how do we decipher through all the stories and myths, through all the beliefs and traditions, through all the interpretations and variations in doctrines that have been handed down to us throughout the centuries? I have found that we, as a society, have grown arrogant and prideful in our own knowledge … becoming more and more close-minded to things that we don’t understand or may not agree with, and that our own opinions are the only ones that matter. Many define religion by their own terms to the exclusion of all other possibilities. Do these things really matter in the end? Is our belief sufficient enough to sustain us? Is there a difference between eternal life and eternal salvation?

I’m Dee Wallis and this is my story. I have traveled on many roads in my journey that have led me to not only different areas of Christianity, but to New Age, Spiritualism, Eastern and Oriental religion, and yes, even the Occult.

I want to share with you, the reasons WHY, out of all of these religions and denominations, I chose to become a Mormon or a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This will come as a shock to some of you, to whom this fact has not yet been made known.

I’m not asking you to believe my story, nor am I asking you to convert … but after years of listening to others ridicule, persecute, bad-mouth, and bash this religion that I have embraced … I feel that it is now my turn to tell my story as I share some of my most sacred experiences as a witness and a testimony before I pass on. Please know that I am writing this as if I was on my deathbed, and in doing so, I would never lie about such things.

The words and stories contained on this website are the most precious, the most important things that I could ever leave behind. Laugh at them, mock them, do what you will with them (except copy 😉 ). I do hope, however, that you will at least read and consider some of the words that you find here, and will trust me enough as your wife, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend, to know that I would never lie or try to deceive you about such things.

I’m not here to bash, degrade, or dismiss other religions, after all, they were an important part of my journey, and I’m truly grateful for the things I’ve learned from them. But there is infinitely more than what we have been taught and we are only given that which we are ready to receive. I have found by experience, that it’s not as simple as just merely asking questions and expecting an answer. I did that for years. But it wasn’t until I was tested by God, much like Abraham was, that I finally received an answer. Not something I’d recommend, for now, I know that a lot of it depends on our attitude, and not only the questions we ask but how we ask them. God knows our hearts and whether they are pure or not. We must seek to do His will and glory, not our own.

I know that it is only when we truly humble ourselves, letting go of pride and arrogance, purifying our hearts and seeking with pure intent while attempting to keep God’s laws and commandments, that we will truly gain access to the highest forms of spiritual blessings, for they cannot be seen nor understood with our natural eyes, in our natural state.

I leave these things with you as my final gift before it’s my time to go. I pray that you will gain some insight, even if it just helps to open up your hearts and minds a little more to the possibilities that we don’t know as much as we think we do.

May God bless you in your own journey to truth!

With love,

Dee Wallis


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